Almine had explicitly stated a while back that the rotational movement of the tube torus was over, and yet we are talking about it again as a current thing some time later. I wasn’t sure how to interpret that, but assumed it must be that technically it should be obsolete, but we haven’t actually mastered the law of compensation effectively yet?
The Seer:
The cosmic rotation is a perpetual motion energy device. But on its rim and in the massive cosmic tube torus’ center, we encounter zero point energy — experienced as stillness.
Zero-point energy (ZPE) or ground state energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have.
When in these zero point energy states, we experience timelessness. Relative to the journey across the cosmic space, we’ve been living millions of years since the end of 2019. But to us it seems but months ago. During those millions of years there was a cessation of the Law of Compensation, but we have now exited the rim of the cosmic tube torus (the field of no time) and once again the law of compensation propels the movement of cosmic space, pulling us through the center of the cosmos.
Wow!! So interesting, thank you so much! This is so much more nuanced than I expected, just goes to show, never assume anything! So interesting too as I was also wondering about zero point energy and where that fits in now, since Almine had previously spoken about it a lot and then unless I imagined this part, am sure she mentioned later that we weren’t in zero point energy anymore. I assumed this too must have meant it became obsolete, but from this post it seems it was because we had left the center and were on the way round towards the rim (I believe at the time this was mentioned). So so fascinating, deeply grateful for this amazing information.
I wonder if free energy devices will finally be released within 10 years?. A girl can dream 🙂
[spoiler title=”Great question and explanation. “] [/spoiler]
Hi Almine. It feels like millions of years to me.. Coming into November and December of 2019 felt like the darkest ‘time’, in terms of heaviness and density I ever remember experiencing and this year feels endless. Even a day can feel like eons have passed 🌟. I love you and miss you very much.
Joanne 🌺
I was just thinking and feeling the same. Admittedly, I experience moments in which I feel like a newborn babe and others in which I feel oh, so Ancient. I remind myself not to hold on to one thought/feeling more than another- to simply live each moment in praise, love, gratitude and surrendered trust. In the moments I feel like a newborn babe, I experience the same as the moments I feel ancient. These feelings/thoughts seem fleeting in their very nature. Though I can not recall when I read this or if I dreamed this- Almine recently said, “We are not moving through time, but rather time is moving through us.” This connects the dots for me in a tender yet profound way I can not explain. 🌹 I love you so!
*Forgive me if I did indeed dream this. I need to start journaling my dreams again as I am realizing that the self guidance I receive during dream time is difficult to sift from self guidance received in awakened states. I would never be so disrespectful to speak something Almine said if she in fact, did not. I simply express this for the sake of stating how dream states and awakened states have somehow been difficult to distinguish here of late.
You are right dear Mishi, Almine mentioned that in this diary post here the other day! https://www.alminediary.com/what-is-purity/
This has a huge impact and felt like a missing piece for me too, though I also could swear I’ve heard Almine say this before too! If so, somehow it just landed this time.
Thank you lovely Ciara for the clarification!