What mystery are you currently solving?
The Seer:
The very important question that must be addressed — that which I'm currently trying to understand — is this:
The illusion that cause and effect are separate and polar opposites, needs to be reconciled. Cause creates effect, but then effect must also beget cause. If we can understand how this works, great miracles will be more immediately possible.
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Brett says
It means be you here and now. Resolve yourself. Aliens tamper. Original Ones don't.
Derek W. says
If there was such a thing as a cause. You'd have to fix it to an arbitrary point in space. But, everything is connected to everything! I personally feel the Infinite spontaneously changes and recreates itself, everything anew in each moment less moment! If we truly new ourselves, as the source of ourselves, the fountain of all abundance. We would aline, trust, and surrender to this natural spontaneous movement of our being. Synchronicities would aline, and we would find or selves merged living a life of miracles in the full mystery of our glorious expression.
Isabella Dancingheart says
Beautiful!! ♥ love this, thank you!
Dhani says
WOW such a huge mystery to ponder!
Hanna says
Ultimate « uroboric"paradox….
Barbara Kathryn says
If we were to consider that our 'present' is seeded in the 'past'…and each time we gain some major insight it alters the course of our 'future'…then the past would also have changed too.
Perhaps the riddle of cause and effect as opposites is solved by the triad: the injection of Insight and, creating a dynamic which alters polarity and leverages chang to the apex of the triangle. It elevates consciousness, which radiates to both of the other two points, not distinguishing between past and future. This consciousness spurred by insight in the Present then reverberates between the points of Past-Future, altering them as they elevate.
As this dynamic continues it so vibrates that it implodes-explodes into Oneness…
Alexandra says
I always felt that groups of people in other countries are living in clusters of the past. The way they speak to others in other parts of the world, it's like they're trying to communicate from completely different levels of consciousness or realities…like they're stuck hundreds or thousands of years in the past.
Vanessa says
Oooooh 😊🌏
Ciara Young says
Wow, so fascinating! I was just thinking of this yesterday, it's amazing how tuned in we are to whatever Almine is doing.
Sarah Murray says
Agreed. I hope you're doing okay Ciara. You're in the for front of my mind fairly often for some reason 🙂 Who knows. My mind and heart is a busy place these days.
Ciara says
Wow, thank you so much dear Sarah, that is very sweet! 🙂 I am doing very okay thank you, I hope you are too.
Kelly Wilmeth says
The lotus blossom represents simultaneous cause and effect because the seeds and flower appear at the same time.
Christina Trevino says
Beautiful Kelly!
Tallulah Mae Bleu says
Thank you Beloved Rogier for asking the question and to Beloved Almine for the dedication to solving the mystery.
Kelly, I resonate with your comment. Thank you.