Finding the True Divine Masculine
~From the High Hamagda~
Like a disc spirals upwards as it spins
The levels of life were named in Atlantis
When last it sank, the level of life Patua was called
The frequency band’s song of independence then did fall
Left behind was the song, as life moved on
The song of independence then was gone
In human development, teenagers go through this stage
Without its song, they become egocentric and cruel at this age
A perception is needed, the song to restore
To resurrect inclusive acceptance of diversity, as it was before
Let the perception dawn that identity
Is but a fluid game throughout eternity
Let go, let go whatever you think you must be
It is an instrument of fluidity
It enables the game of relationship, in which you hide in another
Then find there yourself, rediscovered
When you pretend an identity and play your part,
Circumstances are called forth from the heart
The more you release believing it’s real,
The quicker the supporting surroundings will be revealed*
The Seer:
*If you decide for a while to play the part of a queen, for example, but know it is just a role on life’s stage – by not taking it seriously – the circumstances will fluidly conform to that which is regal.
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
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Amazing poetry of existence at it’s best!
Regal and Divine
Absolutely beautiful
So very profound. THANK YOU.
How marvelous! What a glorious passage!