From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
We can eliminate ego by:
- Claiming our “undesirable” parts as parts of ourselves that have lost their song.
- Releasing resentment against the pace of life. Our resentment indicates that ego wishes to keep control.
- Living a surrendered life that knows that the folly of others should be observed (but not engaged), for the mirrors are areas within ourself where we need to express the Song of the Self.
- Relinquishing all need to define ourselves; to be understood.
- Ruthlessly eliminating the focus on what is not the way we want it to be — this only increases the illusion of lack.
- Contemplating deeply the meaning of the great truth that: Nothing can ever be truly obsolete.
Previous: I Am Not This, Therefore I Must Be That
Thank you for this needed guidance. #6 is new to me, and I need to contemplate all of them for this part of my journey.
Wonderful practice to follow. Thank you!
Almine may have touched on these concepts before, yet as I read them now I feel such a unfolding of revelation to feel them and understand them much deeper. Like a key to unlock new potential. Such gems on this journey to pick up and see the different facets of how they may speak to us in this eternally unfolding moment.
Brilliant Almine,
Deep Gratitude for this and to Rogier for posting