The Seer Reveals a True Tale From The Hollow Earth
An Applicable Lesson for the Global Panic
The greatest catastrophe that has taken place in the last century, occurred in the Hollow Earth, when the continents moved apart. Millions of people were living in areas that would have been devastated by floods or earth changes. But not one person died.
They heard the silent message within their hearts as to when and where to move out of the way of danger. They trusted their inner knowing enough that they obeyed it — regardless of what reason might have said to the contrary. Taking only what they could carry, they did not hesitate. Trust yourself, my Dearest Ones. All will be well with you; you are prepared for this. With love, Almine
Thank you dearest Almine…you are always with me in my heart. I feel prepared and I trust myself. With love praise and gratitude and surrendered trust the pillars of my altar, and with reverence, self-regard, innocence and intimacy through an open heart. The Blue Road home is being blazed.
Oh boy……
wow – thank you for this! Take only what you can carry resonated and listening to my inner knowing. Such valuable lessons You taught us on this journey dearest Mother Almine. The most valuable lesson is revealing my inner self to me and the glory and privilege of this journey.
Deepest gratitude, beloved Almine.
Thank you Almine for this message, something shifted within me when i read this LPGST
Thank you, Beloved Almine. You prepared us well.
Thank you Almine! My greatest love to you!
We are definitely prepared for this.