Millions regard the sign for the “Om” as representing the sound of creation, yet I have never heard you speak of it. What is its significance?
The Seer:
I haven’t spoken of it because its significance is obsolete – it’s no longer applicable .
Here’s the explanation:
In most ancient scriptures the thought is conveyed that creation was preceded by sound (“in the beginning was the word…”). I have in many lectures explained that form is dictated by tone. In fact, I’m sure many of you have heard me speak of the demonstration of this principle being done by placing a cardboard disc on a glass and sprinkling metal shavings on it. If you strike the glass with a tuning fork, a pattern forms in the metal shavings. Each different tuning fork will produce a different pattern depending on its tone.
“Om” is the tone that shaped the individuations within creation (the first “tuning fork”). But every time the cosmos has transitioned to more evolved realities, the creative tone changed in order to reshape life to a higher level of expression. The sign used for “om” is in fact a depiction of the sound wave its particular tone made. Each time the tone changed as life moved from level to level of expression, its sign (or the shape of its sound wave) changed as well. It has been interesting for me to observe that the Infinite’s language changed as well during these transitions. The global chaos we can currently observe in the weather, and in the disintegration of society, is merely the transition from one tone to another.
You have mentioned that the purpose of formed life expressing in evolving stages, is that the Infinite is creating an alphabet of self-expression. Would the waveforms created by these tones, that dictate form in the different stages, be the letters of the Infinite’s alphabet?
The Seer:
Yes, this is exactly how the eternal alphabet is created. Therefore, coming back to the sign for “om”, it is in fact the first letter in the Infinite’s alphabet.
is there a symbol for the tone we are now experiencing ?
We fulfilled OM. Original Moment. Out Mirror lower humanity was our destiny to escape confined polarity and Original One again. Original Ones means many Ones of the Infinite. It’s that easy. The Infinite is that direct. The humanity we assisted had their Original Moments but obviously needed help. They stay certain in polarities obsolete to us now. So be it. Basically we Owned Mirror, OM, the portion The Infinte gave to us and we escaped to be Original Moment here now.
So awesomely stated. Thank you for asking the question Rogier and Almine for your answer!
Yes, this makes it more clear for our understanding. Thank you Almine!
Wow, this is wonderful to know.
Almine me is it possible to know the Alphabets so far that have been formed by The Infinite One Life.
Oh WOW!! This is such thrilling information!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!