If we remove polarity as the power source, life everywhere will become more benevolent. Continue reading →
What a Great Gift This Has Been
Instead of the interrupting visions that have kept me awake at night, I am waking up in the morning refreshed and with effortless knowing instead. Continue reading →
Holy Waters : Science of Alchemy
If you will not have the protocol for the upcoming event, you can still supercharge and bless your water container – provided you’ve printed and assembled the water powerstack. Continue reading →
Powerstack for the Holy Waters
Oils are for healing, waters for clearing. Angels their alchemical frequencies with humans are sharing. Continue reading →
A Rose By Any Other Name
‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet’, is a popular adage from William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Continue reading →
Holy Waters
We don’t yet know how this alchemical protocol will feature, just that the Seer will be more hands-on in the layout of this upcoming event! Continue reading →