Let not manmade boundaries and borders cause them to forget their pledge to honor the Earth and all her creatures in supported oneness. Continue reading →
To Eliminate the Tyrannical Global Control of the Many by the Reprehensible Few
External circumstance is but a mirror image of the Individual’s response to life unfolding Continue reading →
Syria Will No Longer Exist
During teatime one of the Armenian high officials voiced his concern at the Syrian proposal to erect a nuclear energy plant on a vault line area. Continue reading →
Powersigil for Benevolent Government (USA)
Upon this land the Infinite stood and thrust the codes of creation into the air from which the planets formed. Continue reading →
We Really Dodged a Bullet
This Thanksgiving, the Seer let me know that with the recent timeline switch we really dodged a bullet. Continue reading →
I Can Now Defend the One Holding That Office
I had been asked by a member of our Lightfamily, to created a powersigil to shield the President and his family from external control and interference. Continue reading →