Now is the time for the inner magic, for the inner mystical feminine within men and women to awaken. Continue reading →
Resurrection Into the Realms of Magic
Once again there would be Gods walking in the magical garden of the Fairies Continue reading →
We Really Dodged a Bullet
This Thanksgiving, the Seer let me know that with the recent timeline switch we really dodged a bullet. Continue reading →
The Reason for the Descent of Man (The Scroll of Elvuras, Chapter 1)
When these two continents sank, destroying millions of lives, four areas of the Earth’s feminine and four areas of the Earth’s masculine grids were destroyed as well. Continue reading →
They Will Never Forsake Us
Indigenous people know that by giving an ill and ailing person a new name, the individual can become healthy again. Continue reading →
The Poles of Courage
The feminine, receptive pole of courage expresses through the moral courage of endurance. Continue reading →