There was an exchange this morning about possibly upgrading the ‘Revisiting the Labyrinth’ material (this book was unpublished when the Seer found that its sigils – not received by her – did not meet the required frequency with kinesiological muscle testing). This is what happened next:
The Seer:
Everyone in the the house is nauseated; the Labyrinth material is not supposed to be revised or opened. Please destroy the file.
And what about the items drawn by you?
The Seer:
Scrap those too.
We’ll destroy all the digital files that we have. Getting all the physical books destroyed is not really an option. What about drawing new wheels for the libraries?
The Seer:
No. The libraries had the black magic that got released when they were opened. Some, like the Dead Sea, were insulated with salt or water. But the water is drying up, which is why it is a contemporary problem.
If a student were willing to burn their copy of the book (Journey Into the Labyrinth), what should be the intent?
The Seer:
There are black magic control centers under most cities. I had a vision last night of a board meeting in which they said: there are 60 godbeings in London that need to be disempowered.
I said to the students through text: they’ve become aware of the gods among men. The spidergoddesses are tasked to bind them. Spidergoddesses bind through expectation. Set free the godbeings that have been bound in various cities, through releasing the ties that bind in your own life by proxy.* Release the adult relationships in your life that bind you with expectations. Especially watch for those who expect you to make life easier for them without giving much back.
The underground black magic centers and some of the ancient libraries we wrote about on the Labyrinth book, have become activated to enslave humanity and to cause the godbeings to lose their power by becoming greedy.
Release those who divide and disrespect that which is holy, that you may stand forth and fulfill your mission as the holy ones that safeguard the planet.
The Seer
This is about the book / course Journey to the Labyrinth / Revisiting the Labyrinth. It does not pertain to other titles that include the word, ‘labyrinth’.
🦄 This message is brought to you by the Original Ones that power this website for the benefit and enjoyment of All 💜 Support→
Anita says
‘Journey into the Labyrinth,’ I believe I have this physical book, but I have no way to access it – it is in my storage here in England. I am from, was born and raised in London. I now live around an hour and a half+ drive away.
I note people are selling this book on Etsy etc. I did a search so as to jog my memory by seeing the book’s cover. Perhaps it is worth you doing a search and contacting these sellers, to advise them Rogier?
Much Love,
Anita xxx
Hunt says
A question of my own, does this include the labyrinth sound healing album also?
Malue says
No it doesn’t. Only the book with this exact title.
Malue says
Oops, sorry, I didn’t see the comment was made last year ☺️
Dhani says
I have not heard of Revisiting the Labyrinth before nor any of this information……
All is timely.
Bas Waaijer says
I see ‘board meeting’ and ‘spider goddesses’ in different sentences. Who are these people who are aware of Godbeings?
Hunt says
The corrupted ones/the irredeemable. Those who seek immortality and true divine power, if only to distort it for their own dark gains.
In their endless pursuit for control and dominance, they cannot see that this is the very reason why they are fallen. That some things are not, nor will they ever be, for them, and thus they will not accept this greater truth.
And in their jealously and anger, they have stumbled across Beings who by Divine Right have that which they so covet and yearn for.
And that which they cannot “possess,” they seek to destroy.
However, They will NOT succeed, and it is far stranger that with all of their amassed “divine” knowledge that they were so completely unaware of our existence…
That is something to smirk about 🙂
Bas Waaijer says
Thank you for your well written answer. 🙂
I was wondering if these individuals or this group gave themselves a name. It is difficult to be aware of an attack when one doesn’t know who does the attacking.
I’m also surprised in the fact that they’ve access to Almines teachings as much as we do and despite that, stick to their old ways. Unfortunatey being a member here does put us on a list (not that I care, of course).
Diana Doyle says
Im living in london and was born here. A bit disturbing this news. I do light explosions twice a day sometimes more. There is a strange feeling here lately I have to admit. I do feel strong enough to deal with it but any tips are welcome.🙏🏽
Vanessa says
Maybe I don’t need to know the answer to this question….
I feel to ask…how did the Ancient Libraries become activated? to enslave Godbeings re greed and Humanity?
Creational Love says
Just to help clarify for those asking, the two books Labyrinth of the Moon, and Journey into the Labyrinth are two different books: Labyrinth of the Moon is poetry to awaken the noncognitive abilities. Journey into the Labyrinth are the Earth’s sacred libraries in different parts of the planet.
marli says
And So It Was! Released and Burned today without judgement!
Thank You!
Annita says
Thank you prescious Almine and Rogier for this urgent message. Book destroid in a fire ceremony yesterday late at night.
Tallulah Mae Bleu says
Immeasurable gratitude for this urgent message.
Deep gratitude to the light family for addressing this.
Denise says
Thank you beloved Almine and Rogier. Book destroyed in a fire ceremony this morning.
Love Praise & Gratitude
Vanessa says
Deep Gratitude for this post.
I do not have the book
Zen says
Labyrinth of the moon is that anyway connected ?
Rogier says
Steve says
Rogier, Just to verify, the name of the book is “Journey into the Labyrinth.” I have “Labyrinth of the Moon.” Are these two titles different?
G says
Should the instruction to destroy the file also apply to the digital file and text ‘The Sacred Libraries’ that was available through Team Almine Russia?
Thank You 🙏
Rogier says
Thanks for alerting us to this. Please send a sample of ‘The Sacred Libraries’ to Original Ones support for inspection. Note: Team Russia was never authorized to sell the Seer’s English language material – incl. obsolete and unpublished works – but has done so regardless. A situation such as the above illustrates why overriding her expressed intent in this can be really problematic.
Joanne Harding says
Rogier, thank you so much for this extremely important message. Thank you Almine for letting us know about this situation. It highlights the importance of only studying material Almine has deemed appropriate at this time. If anyone has these books, please burn them for the sake of our light family and beloved earth. Joanne 🌸🎶
Alex says
Tick tock….their days are numbered…and it seems as though they are not leaving so easily. Another challenge for the God beings.
SJ says
I have a copy of “Journey into the Labyrinth”. Is this same book?
Rogier says
Yes (added for clarification)
SJ says
Ok. Will burn it after the rain clears. In the meantime, it is in a plastic bag with Sacred Space bath salts. Thank you for this information.