Please elaborate on your recent prophetic insights.
The Seer:
- A meteor or comet strike, or proximity, causes the two volcanic sisters to erupt (this has happened cyclically).
- An axis tilt happens. The image I saw pertaining to the cause of the flood: if you rotate a glass half full of water, and then suddenly stop, the water will continue to move over the inner surface of the glass. The oceans and other water bodies and lakes will move over land at incredible speed, when the earth loses her balance, and tilts.
- After ninety days of their eruption, a huge flood of biblical proportions, will redraw the outlines of continents.
“Where land was only islands will remain. Nations and civilizations will be no more.”
The Seer’s Private Journal
Previous: The Original Ones’ Sign to Evacuate
I heard about 6 weeks ago from the hidden realms, a flood of epic proportion, that day you shall stand alone ?
It is interesting that the Hidden Realms had a recent meeting to address a massive global drought. THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF THIS.
Is the meteor and resulting flooding a mirror of this global drought? An answer upside down?
So, we, by addressing this possible global drought happening now through the upcoming ceremony, we will alter this future prediction/prophecy in some way.
That would be brilliant.
The solution is always present in the now…
I love you Almine, to the Infinite One the glory forever and ever.
We just have to access our seismic potency and depth and act from there.
Flow is the antidote to eruption.
Flow, measured and metered by pure emotion.
Reality structured by attitude makes fluid channels.
Full emotional expression without fear or haste to quell unknown outcomes is extraordinary.
Paint in various textures and hues drawn from your Infinite palette, the tapestry of life emerging through the portal of the moment. Sometimes water colours and sometimes oils to lift and lighten, or deepen to draw from unknown depth the essence of what is and is to come.
Do not fear the tremors of the great below. They but let us know as we go that the balance is shifting and deeper channels activating to sluice the creative flow in new and graceful ways through matter towards the surface, an Infinite undertaking, a glorious outcome.
So eloquently put, thank you Jane.
I am wondering what does the Meteor symbolizes in us? So we maybe can avert this situation. I find it a disturbing situation and it sounds quit scary.
Is it possible the meteor/comet strike is unnatural, and purposefully engineered. If one had the technology, one could “beam” a cluster of foreign objects to within the solar system, the foreign bodies then being drawn and pulled by the governing rotational force of that system. And, like clockwork, a comet/meteor impacts The Mother. It does not make sense that ANY type of body should be openly attacking The Mother within the greater sphere, if it is against Her Will.
how much time left? where to go? is the american gobern know about it?
omg im in such a sad and hurt mood like something i want to think its not true, but. the people around me are feeling something is weird, like they feel something.
So destruction of larger-bodied continents containing multiple countries rather than small islands or island nations in general i.e. new zealand, australia… again, I wish there was some insight into southern land masses. As often times when disaster strikes, there is no-where to go when surrounded by a vast ocean of water, cut off from absolutely everything. If there are signs to go to ground or migrate elsewhere, so to speak, how would this work if you had to leave the country and all food/water/clothing and any other accumulated supplies for the coming years behind?
Can its trajectory be changed ❤🌷
yes…lets change the trajectory….we have done it before.
So…..what about changing the trajectory of the comet…