What is the deeper meaning of abnormal cells present in the cervix? I have been diagnosed with “abnormal” cells in my cervix. According to the doctor, it is possible for the body to heal this in 40% of cases, otherwise the doctor proposes to cut a part of my cervix out. I feel very concerned and would like to avoid that drastic intervention if possible.
The Seer:
The deeper meaning indicates that the woman abandons her own desires of whether she would like to have sex or not, by letting her body be used out of duty, or to attract a partner, or out of trying to live up to the expectations of another. It has correctly been said by some behaviorists that, at times, some women give sex to get love and some men give love to get sex. Such dysfunction is also a form of abandonment of authentic self expression which can cause problems such as those you describe.
During the next months you can definitely heal yourself by healing present attitudes towards sex, by ‘coming home to yourself’ and eliminating guilt over past sexual interactions.*
As my gift to you [to you, the asker of this question], I would like to create a free healing oil to assist with this self-healing journey.†Please contact Tina at Fragrance Alchemy to arrange this.
The Seer
- Related: The Restoration of The Intuitive Nature and The Awakening of Intuitive Abilities
- See: Your Personal Alchemical Healing Oil
Dear Almine
I’ve been having problems with my GI, hot and cold sensations throughout my whole body, now Inflammatiib of the belly.
Gastroenteritis I was diagnosed with.
Also had heliobactor for months untreated as in I tried to avoid the antibiotics.
I have constant pain daily and never know what food is going to help or make it worse.
Since the hit and run car accident in May of this year my body hasn’t been able to regulate temperature in my body.
I’m constantly hot 🔥 cold then chills, this is at least 10 times a day.
The specialists put me on somac, which I’ve never taken medication in my life and now when I try and come off them, it hurts to eat food and I feel like I’m going to pass out after eating 20 mns later.
I am on day 3 of no sleep, as I’ve recently had another flare up in my belly. And experience a constant tightness and inflamed bubbly feeling.
My hands and feet are always hot and red, as is my internals – my belly and upper tract.
I’ve tried everything to heal, but I’m not getting anywhere.
I suffer with alot of heart palpitations and my belly has been descended since May.
Could you please help?
Kind Regards
Süzan Ozturk
I can say this was the case for me. I had this issue once during a time of my life where I did not love myself and thought the above mentioned reasons of the cells were the way to feel love. I started to love myself and treasure myself and the abnormal cells corrected themselves.
I do wonder if this can happen without the opposite way as well. I work in the medical field and one case stood out to me all this time. A woman in her 60s was a virgin and ended up with cervical and/or endometrial cancer. I cannot recall which one. At the time, I thought that it was so sad for her to have cancer in this area when she never had experienced the pleasure of intercourse or a child in her womb.
Thank you for the precious insights and gift!!
Is this available for men, or for women only?