We received the following question…
This morning as dawn was breaking I was having a bit of a waking dream. I heard a male voice talking to Almine. All of a sudden Almine interrupted the speaker with, “The Blue People! They are here!” Is this experience valid?
The Seer:
Incidentally, all experience is valid. But addressing this particular experience:
I have received several indicators in the environment – besides the information that is given in the dreamtime – that the ‘blue people’ have returned. During the time before the sinking of Lemuria, the blue-skinned people were one of the races of the Earth. They became extinct with the sinking of Lemuria (their native land). Some of the blue race had gone to India as part of the substantial missionary network system of ancient Lemuria. They survived the sinking of Lemuria, but became extinct about 100 years later on. The blue race were known for their longer than usual lifespans and their tendency to be nocturnal (their eyes were very sensitive to light).
They called themselves the Averushanta — people from the serpent galaxy (Andromeda). They are apparently starting to incarnate at this time amongst the various races of the Earth. (They no longer appear blue.) The gift they bring is the ability to communicate with animals. They seek to comfort animals for the disrespect shown to them. They have a talent for music and heal places on Earth that are suffering from past war and other trauma. They are gentle and sensitive and generous.
As they are only just incarnating they must be babies and spreading among future babies. I wonder if they favour India and that part of the world to incarnate…or are venturing out a bit. Hawai’i seems closest to Lemuria.
I suppose it depends on the readiness of a family and a community to receive them in full respect for their Gifts.
Rogier, can you ask Almine, if Shiva (with the serpent around his neck) is from the blue race?
Krishna had a blue skin too 🙂
What exciting and comforting news.
My heart is grateful to hear this.
Thank you, Beloved Almine for sharing this.
This is incredible!!!!
I hope we meet them !
I was speaking with my cat Sònas pronounced (soonas Irish for Happiness)
Anyhow I spoke with him and asked him to communicate telepathy with Me so I could help him….
Thank you Almine!
I had been wondering if it was just my imagination turning murmuring sounds into words – but obviously not!
It’s neat about the “Blue People”. I remember you talking about the “Blue Race” being no longer here. As I recall they represented one of the five colors of Humanity: White, Black, Red, Yellow and Blue. Reminds me of the Chinese “Five Element Theory”:: Earth, Air, Water, Wood and Fire. Wonder what the parallel is 🙂
Best Blessings!
Feels to Me to also represent the primary colours re.tones frequencies……all colours =immaculate pearlescent white diamond light…?
I know nothing just a feeling for now
Such precious Beings are here again among us attuned to healing animals and victims of
wars~ Praise Love Gratitude Trust and Hope for the return of your Presence🩵💙
OH this such welcome news!! Thank you for sharing dear ones.
Thath a good new for animals and planet , thank you
Are they aware that they are not human?
What a lovely mission of respecting animals and healing with music.