Regarding the general announcement of the Angelgod of Truth yesterday, I wonder if there was something more specific ‘in the air’? I ask because we had multiple instances of seeing clearly, for the first time, the manipulations and machinations behind the fancy language and smiles of some.
The Seer:
The Angelgod came to visit and asked for the sigil to be drawn. Please share your experience.
I will, but does he have a sigil?
The Seer:
The powersigil is a custom order that was on the stack, but he came to visit and his prompting was so adamant that I bumped it ahead. As I was drawing, I saw the light in the room turn lavender and I started receiving input from the Angelgod of what elements needed to be placed in the sigil. There was a strong desire that it be created.
A song about all being better https://youtu.be/H6pODq8_FxE
This feels like very good news as “the truth will out” finally🙏💜✨🙌🏼
Very interesting ….and even more interesting ehat will unfold through the Angelgod of Truth’s power sigel !
I have been saying for weeks now that I must get lavender for my workplace …
When will the Power sigel be ready ?
Very interesting (and hopefully very helpful) Vanessa! I feel like we are about to experience something very large energetically this summer/fall time.