The Seer relays her daughter Jaylene's prophetic dream of societal collapse and connects it to the epidemic of candida as a condition that disrupts the seventh sense and scrambles the interpretation of the feelings of the heart. (Originally published May 20, 2014.)
Giovany Acuña says
Oh dear ,i just got sck of that all my tongue was covered by that now I'm cleaning inside and I'm dropping sugar I just can't believe That dream was so accurate
Giovany Acuña says
Thanks you sister jay
Thank you Almine and the team of the original ones
Kelshall says
Thank you Almine and Rogier. We love these audios they are so helpful. Love you all
Dhani says
So it is…
Dhani says
By the way, celery juicing is really good for detoxing the blood and other parts of the body, like organs.
Hunt says
Well this isn't good at all…so I guess work on the heart. Do things that bring you joy or find things that do. Learn to love and respect yourself more (if you don't already) Try and live in the moment as much as you can, so as not to let darker aspects of the past seep in and consume you in the present, and DON'T watch the news so as not to pollute your biofield and lower your defenses. And stay far away from negative humans, as misery loves company. ESPECIALLY elevated company. Healthy eating and a good dose of water. Otherwise candida-zombie apocalypse. Phew!
PS: Something is telling me that Siberian Ringing Cedar will help with grounding, protection and killing nasty bugs . Also Cedarwood Oil.
The Ringing Cedars of Russia books may help put this into perspective.
Davæ says
I have been dealing with Candida symptoms for a couple of years now and it really is stubborn. The only time the symptoms have desisted is when I have been happy and in love. Interesting, no diet or remedy has helped remove it though.
Vanessa says
Thankyou for this reminder… I Intend on doing the 5 month detox again after my Weeks holiday
Hunt says
I am interested in this five month detox program. I saw on the Belvaspata website that its in book III of angel healing and that it works well with The Body Ecology Diet book…do you have to be an initiate to use this Belvaspata book? I bought the second book and then found out that I needed a mentor for self-initiation…there are no practitioners in my country.
Ciara Young says
Hi dear Hunt, I believe you're in Australia yes? There are lots of Belvaspata practitioners in your country, perhaps they are just not listed on the Belvaspata site or any other resources. It's not that you have to be an initiate to use the book, only the practice the actual Belvaspata modality. Perhaps somebody can come along here and connect you with a practitioner in Australia, or if you're on Facebook you could ask in the Facebook group about it.