My Beloved Ones,
The planet is going through a very sad and fearful band of emotion — which is like a river of frequency. In its rotation around the cosmic cycle, this is the exact spot where the planetary axis tilted during a previous rotation around the cosmic cycle. It wiped out continents (through deluges) and virtually all life on the surface of the planet (through 300mph winds). The terror and grief of that event still lingers.
If you are undergoing feelings of the planet being unsafe, please know where it’s coming from. You will be fine, my Precious Ones. Your being here is a labor of love; a service to provide stability and graceful change. Walk each day in trust and one step at a time; we will overcome.
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Thank you Almine.
Are there any specific instructions for us at this time?
My feeling is that we are here to keep those around us calm and ride out the storm which has been brewing in my family for some time.
All my love and gratitude
Anne (Mundell)
You said a phrase many years ago that I have sought solace from so many times this past year. You said to “Lay back in the arms of the infinite.”
So many times when overcome with worry, stress, or anxiety, I remembered when you said that, and truly understood what surrendered trust meant.
Thank you. So many times you have stepped down the knowledge and understanding that helped us, just the right way.
I love you And appreciate you.
Yes, have had a lot of “processing” this night and some panic and anxiety. Thought it was some people I had met the day before. But I have been playing the Earth chants since yesterday as well. So, had a feeling the Earth was going through some shifting.
Almine, thank you So much for this message. I have been feeling so sad, deeply so, today and those around me have felt the same. I felt something had to be going on. Thank you from the depth of my heart. Joanne
Thank you dear Almine, this helps a lot!
I am very very greatful for this post… Processing much fear and grief… Many tears in the previous day, actually it was Monday, the 10th October, realignment with my body I had from myctimmony chiropractor.. , I have felt since then I would cry at the drop of a hat… feeling teary..
I love you Almine
Thank you Seer Almine for this post – it does explain much of my feelings of anger and learning to be more receptive to my environment. All the revelations we have been gifted though the Seer provides clarity for the next step. I am so very thankful for Almine upon the Earth and in my life through her teachings and prayers and blessings.
Oh, thank you so much for this revelation, this makes so much sense as to why I’ve been feeling so off.
Also, I’ve been dreaming (for 5 days in a row!) about different people in my environment being consumed with addictions, but as they approach me, they immediately start to vomit.. like non stop vomiting. In every dream I started yelling at them the top of my lungs. Truly yelling, shouting that this is enough. That I won’t tolerate any of this behavior anymore. That I totally withdraw from these experiences.
I’ve never had dreams like these, so I’ve been puzzled, trying to figure out what is that I need to purge in my life… now everything is much more clearer.
I’ve been relistening to the webinar “Cutting the ties that bind to the matrices of suffering”. It has been a tremendous aid for me to explore that info on a deeper level at this time.
In surrendered trust, always 🖤🦋🙏🏻
Thank you both Beloved Almine and Rogie for this post. All my love to you both.
Thank you dear Almine, with so much much gratitude and love.
Today I felt like I had a full blown panic attack, feelings of total loss surged through me. I kept feeling, the loss it’s too much. Initially I thought it was old memory implants from childhood but then I logged on here and saw Almines post. I continue to break down and weep, feelings of shock and loss moving through me, thank you for the reminder ❤🔥 it has eased the burden of feelings
That is very helpful to Knie. Thank you!
I appreciate this so much. And the personal touch of Almine’s signature is very welcomed. 🙂 XO!
WOW … that explains a great deal. I am VERY grateful to you
Almine for this disclosure, many thanks!
Oh My gosh, Yes, feeling this deeply, forlorn, hopeless, sad for all life on Earth. Expressed this to my friend Sunny last night. Explained how I felt challenged, empty, helpless. Still feel this and now I am very hopeful to have a deeper explanation. I will dig deep into Joy, essence, Infinite Mother, Mother Gaia. Shift my focus and practice being joyful, compassionate, appreciative…