A note of interest pertaining to the fulfillment of the prophecy written by the Seer in 2017:
“On midnight last Friday, all over the United States, an alliance of magical practitioners called the Magic Resistance gathered Tarot cards, feathers, orange and white candles, pins, water, salt, matches, ashtrays, and unflattering photos of President Trump. The objects are prerequisites for a binding spell, an incantation typically used to keep someone from harming themselves or others, like a magical straitjacket. They use the pin to scratch “Donald J. Trump” into the orange candle (baby carrots are a sanctioned substitute) and read aloud a spell first posted on Medium.” Link →
A short recording of the sound of Afxghelm. It was selected (and looped) from the video, Strange sounds heard in Libya.
Prophecy #26
From the Seer's Private Journal
“… in a time when witches vow, and the Earth trembles beneath the rage of tumultuous uprisings, all eyes will be turned to the ensuing chaos and none shall see the two colonies of aliens land on the moon. But one there is that watches and waits. For black magic intent on enforcing the will of the few, brings global catastrophes and nature will fight back… those days the sound of the creature Afxghelm shall be heard as a loud trumpet around the Earth. For he is in service to the Holy Mother and his tones shall clear the filth from the Earth, and bring balance where none exists.”
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He has made his presence known to all..it is a hauntingly beautiful sound
It scares me that people would be willing to do this. The use of baby carrots is pathetic. Modern convenience witchcraft, tacky aptitude, yet against Trump. Lame.
When I clicked on the link “strange sounds heard in Libya” It was dated December 2019.
This sounds stirs something deep within me. I am choosing to observe only.
I remember this sound – like a moaning trumpet! However, given that this was all two yrs ago Rogier, can you indicate why we are seeing this info now? Is there more relevence or activity from Afxghelm’s presence right now??
I must say the past 72hrs have been a vibrationally disorientating time for me (and other OO’s I am in contact with, albeit all seems renewed again from today?
Much love and appreciation..
Almine generally doesn’t comment on her prophecies… But I assume she heard this recording of the sound of Afxghelm and realized it was pertaining to this prophecy from 2017. She had also publicly spoken about the mass black magic attacks back then (and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re currently happening once more).
I heared, it’s been two years ago in the fall, this strange metallic sound for
About 4 hours non stop. Upstate ny….I had no idea what it could have been….
thanks Rogier – yes, given current politics in the U.S. more activity along these lines (Black Magic) is highly probable??
Almine is an extraordinary Seer – nice to have an explanation of those sounds! comforting!!
This certainly has been a busy year!
I am deeply grateful for these insights,
they assist in understanding how to
navigate through these difficult times!
I am humbled by all of Almine’s help
and understanding!
Thank You!
Wow this is amazing Almine. Thank you and thank you Afxghelm. Xx
I trust the Holy Mother, and know she is aware of all things in divine timing,…one perfect step at a time.
When I tuned into him today I found myself tearing up. I feel its a reminder that all is in perfection. FEELING this innocence after not being able to feel it for such a long time made me burst into tears
Sitting on my deck watching the peaceful morning roll by.
I played it, the wind picked up and power rose. Let the will of the infinite be done.
They may have said the spell had the intention of binding, but it was more malicious than that.
So grateful to the infinite and Afexghelm
Oh, this is so beautiful… and I don’t know exactly why, but I truly resonate with him. Some could perhaps say that the sound is strange, maybe not so pleasing to the ears (since it doesn’t have a melody, like for example the song of the birds), loud, etc. But I truly appreciate, and I’m deeply grateful to be able to listen to, the richness of his voice, his tones, the purity and harmlessness of his heart, which he extends to all flora to be able to create such wonderful plants to bring balance and healing to Mother Earth, to our bodies as well. Thank you so much for this invaluable information, it’s so humbling to know all this!
I remember when Almine had to pass through realms and had to pass by a sleeping afxghelm. He is MASSIVE. He is the caretaker.
Thank you for sharing this information. Gratitude for loving assistance 💗
I’m so Greatful to Afexghelm,… It brought tears..
Without presuming to know, he feels like the Gardner to me.
Much love and deep gratitude
Thankyou for sharing
His sound is familiar…
Or it could be President Trump, which was my first feeling.