The God kingdom is the apex of evolution for all races. The elf or angel or human, on every planet and on every level of existence, aspires to evolve into this kingdom. The Gods of existence form the cosmic government and, because the Earth is the cradle of civilization, the greatest number of gods and goddesses are found here.
Gods are also created to fulfill certain mandates and to help govern specific portions of existence. Many secrets surround the kingdom of the gods, but perhaps the one that fires the imagination the most is the fact that many gods and goddesses are embodied and among us today.
The opportunities for beings on Earth to evolve into godhood are readily available. The fact that the Earth has, since 2005, been the way-shower or pivot point of cosmic ascension, has meant that it is the microcosmic pivot point for all life – a great service to render. Such a service is opening up access to accelerated evolution and blessings of consciousness. The diversity on Earth also provides beings with the ability to experience many different perspectives and learning opportunities. Its density has created intensity in the experiences of humanity. This too can accentuate rapid growth. Information is available on how to reach advanced levels of existence, and long-hidden tools have been released to aid man’s journey. Alchemy, incorruptible white magic, Kaanish Belvaspata and other mystical techniques are finally released to humanity to bestow their blessings. The angels have brought their most precious hidden mysteries, and the Toltec seers have released theirs. The rest is up to us.
Kiriras Agawavanti miruk helstat uheravasvi minuvash, isinat heretuk vasva
From the Infinite’s throne, the Gods of Source come forth to share gifts of luminosity.
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