What follows is a window into the life of The Seer Almine, a Master Alchemist, in encountering the hidden realms. Its object is to demonstrate the possible expansion of the parameters of everyday life, thereby raising the participant’s light and frequency.
Preparing the Body for High Alchemy
The alchemists’ most powerful ally is the unequivocal knowledge that space, direction and form are illusions. By knowing there to be only One being in existence, observing Itself through a variety of emphases within Its Being, miracles become commonplace.
The alchemy of the ‘individual’ becoming the One Life must be preceded by this knowledge and the dissolution of attachment to the illusion of form.
Mystical Manifestation Device
The Lemurian Qi Vesta means ‘Breath of the Divine’, or that which breathes life into manifestation. It replaces previously used divination devices like the Tarot. As life ascends to one of Mastery, it can be clearly seen that time is an illusion belonging to those who strive against life. The master, in the stillness of full surrender, knows there can be no predictability when there is no time. The master also knows that he may manifest a temple of holy life in his environment that honors the sanctity of his being. The Qi Vesta is the ancient and powerful manifestation tool for accomplishing this.
How does this edition differ from the original?
The original version of the course was taken offline in 2012 due to a number of obsolete wheels and sigils contained within it. We’ve replaced these where possible with the updated versions and removed the rest. Most of the text was preserved as well.
Does this course include the DIY Qi Vesta cards?
Yes, though this is not reflected in the price.
Why is the Qi Vesta called ‘Qi Vesta 2’?
The original version of the Qi Vesta consisted of wheels that only function within the matrix of Dreaming. It was superseded in 2012.
👉🏼This product download is in the .zip file format and will typically require a desktop computer to download and unzip — even when you wish to transfer these files to your tablet or smartphone.
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