While we make freely available all mission-critical messages and revelations from The Seer, the reality is also that this website has been punished by the Google AI due to its subversive nature. By way of damage control we therefore restrict certain bits of nonessential, “sensitive” content to members only, or find a middle ground in unpublishing such items beyond a two day window.
In addition, I sporadically post material for members in which I might share some background info, personal observations and/or stories from my life with The Seer. This may include unpolished exchanges that are not ‘ready for primetime’ due their obscure, seemingly contradictory or highly esoteric nature. This is the kind of information that is usually incomplete, calling forth more question than it answers, and therefore requires a certain comfort with not knowing. Sometimes this material will eventually make its way to the public area, but may be previewed by our supporters first.