In 1969, in the Kemerovo region of Russia, in a coal mine, in a marble coffin, the perfectly preserved body of a young woman was discovered, 800 million years old, even before the dinosaurs. It disproves Darwin’s theory of evolution. The body was in a special liquid that prevents degradation. The case was well known in Russia. Some claim that it is the body of a Pleiadian alien. The idea is that it was found in a coal mine, after serious excavations in the heart of the mountain. So it was older than the mine / mountain.
The image of the woman in the marble coffin keeps returning to my mind as though there’s something I should see. Is she one of the inhabitants of the Pleiades?
The Seer:
This is a body of the Embodiment of the Infinite. She grew tired of thousands of years of Her loved ones living short mortal lives and leaving Her behind as they die, while She doesn’t. In this geographical region, She had a private palace where she used to go to rest. One evening at twilight, she sat on a terrace overlooking the large water pond with pink lotus flowers — the same color as the dress she was wearing — and decided to lay her body down in the marble coffin that had been prepared for her, and leave this physical life. It is the embodiment of the Holy Mother of 800 million years ago, that you see.
How is 800 million years experienced for anyone living in eternal time?
The Seer:
Like a movie reel being fast forwarded. Observed by the one observing. My experience of it was like a book of time in the wind, rapidly turning the pages — each page the equivalent of a hundred years. It seemed to go faster and faster until eventually the book itself was rapidly being replaced by a row of other books respectively (each book’s pages representing the ages of a specific cycle of experience).
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Such a Priceless and Exquisite Beauty!
I now have a much greater appreciation for Almine!
May she continue to dwell among us forever
So glad we are with you now. 😍🥰😘
Thought that was you so long ago.
Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us.
Yes, I have found this story twice and always found it fascinating 💕
This is a perplexing story not for the woman whose body froze 800000000 years ago but for the “pink lotus flowers”, since she does not actually reject the principle of natural selection but purports the thesis that she is a visitor. Yet, when I suppose that sucj woman is a visitor, wherefrom is the pink lotus flower, as evidence of pollinator plants had not emerged until roughly the Jurassic. Now, we could try to rationalize that such a ln organism “must also have been a visitor”, yet then in order to justify one’s believing have to make more and more absurd conclusions about why or how the relatives of both tribes had decayed when there were no digestive forces only erosive ones manifest in the anciet world, a world that has kneaded the surface film ofnthe earth’s crust many many times before the oceansl depths spread
Keep in mind that Loti and Lillies would not have the wherewith to grow without decay, that their ability to prospero is peredicated on the mirth of the rich swamp muck
Confusing… though dating,as Almine said, is tricky..
Oh, wow, how amazing! It’s almost unbelievable that she is here with us now 🙏❤️
I saw the post that Annita F shared about this and the image that went with the article. The resemblance to our beloved Almine is even stronger than the one used here.
Agreed ❤
Such a beautiful and sacred reminder of how blessed we are to live at this time and to have Almine in out midst… PRAISE LOVE and GRATITUDE.
The real Sleeping Beauty… What happened to this body? Articles say the KGB took it away. Was it preserved so She could use it again? Who are the beings in the three other sarcophagi that were supposedly subsequently found?
Where then did the embodiment of the Infinite One go 800 million years ago?
Did She leave Earth and reunite with OOs else where, via Altea? Did She leave Her body behind to enter a new one?
I for one am greatful She did this as it may dissolve the illusion of where humanity came from thanks to Beloved Almine and also help dissolve programs of mortality that us as OOs may have just by seeing this…
Deep deep Gratitude Almine
Breathtaking Amazement✨✨✨Seeing this
Extraordinary Mother of all that is sends chills
through my whole Being filling me with
wonderment and Joy🌠💕✨
Love Praise and Gratitude Beloved Almine🤍💓
This is an amazing post – thank you Beloved Holy Mother.
I am so glad I sent this to Tina to give to Beloved Almine, Annita Fischback found it I immediately felt to send for consideration as it was uncanny the resemblance of Beloved Holy Mother…
I wonder what this means for OOs in this current unfolding will a lot of OOs die as it sank close to human paradigm…
Have we moved beyond this yet with the awareness of the question just answered around eternal time .
Amazing! I was just looking into this a week or so ago! Thank you 🙏🩷