☆ Translated From the High Hamagda ☆
Continued from Why Is It That Life Has Seemed Locked in Place?
The restoration of the movement of transfiguration,
Can, with this break, only produce partial rotation
Only four discs in the feminine functioned at all
Mostly unsupported by frequency, the consciousness of the discs of light did fall
The masculine could express most of its capability
Its cycle, being much larger than the feminine, produced superiority
The movement of the masculine through two hundred
and ninety-six discs
Caused great discomfort to the feminine reality through this
Equal and opposite movement is a law of duality
But the feminine’s movements could not be free
Because most of the feminine of the unexpressed exists
Scar tissue formed that movement resists
Thus the false feminine as scarring arose
And began the masculine progress to oppose
The two hundred and ninety-six parts of the feminine
that were reduced
Formed external creations — two hundred and ninety-six angelic orders were produced
Thus from man, repressing his parts
External creations of other beings did start
The cradle of civilization, the densest race has been
All other races came from humanity
The Seer Almine
From The Lemurian Science of Compassion by the Seer Almine (2014). The third, unpublished, part of the trilogy.
Thank you.
Oh this is saying something very deep about angels?
I don’t understand why these are being posted? Meanwhile, praying for a miracle on the summer solstice. It’s time we collapse this covid insanity.
This is so fascinating! What needs to be seen to let the 296 unexpressed feminine cycles sing their song? Do we need to go back in time to Atlantis during the cycle of Patua and heal the trauma? All is in perfection, so why do we need to experience the imbalance of the masculine and how to let the masculine express its last four discs? Wow – and the perfect timing needed for both to happen – so many questions – and am I even asking the right questions?? Can’t wait for more to be revealed as the time must be right for the unexpressed cycles to express – so exciting!!
indeed. the all is in perfection..
a times yearning returning a flowing rivers momentumn,
held in eddies of potentials plots held there
for spectacular theatre await in our very lives..
so cue the lead, for scripts revealed to actors willingly,
express dramatically in the adventurous.. exciting..
play on play on in within a’hearts a song,
become be the bold and the unknowingly we…
oh my, well, woah to you too..! 😉🥰